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We are Excellence in Environmental Studies and Advocacy

Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Promotion of Community Rights 



Centro Terra Viva represents the synergy between legal expertise and commitment to excellence in environmental management matters. As an innovative law firm, we offer an environment where legal expertise combines with a modern approach focused on the well-being of Humanity.


Our professionals dedicated and passionate professionals are ready to offer effective and personalized legal solutions.

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Biodiversity Management and Protected Areas


In Mozambique, through CTV and the Maputo National Park (PNAM), BIOPAMA supports the implementation of the Natural Resources Management project by Community Fisheries Councils, with the aim of improving the resilience of ecosystems and the livelihoods of communities fishing along the western coast of the PNAM, bathed by the waters of Maputo Bay.

Our aim is to fill the gaps that exist in the country in terms of education, information, preservation and application of environmental legislation. In intervention terms, it has always been an organization focused on environmental research and advocacy.



General Objective

Promote and contribute to greater effectiveness and legal efficiency of decisions and management processes and  administration of land and natural resources, supported by technical-scientific knowledge, in defense of the principles of sustainability and good governance, in the ethical integrity and responsibility of public servants public, as well as justice and equity.

Environmental Governance Legislation, Policies and Processes


General Objective

Encourage the contribution of companies to the development of socially and environmentally viable public and private enterprises, and support the negotiation of mutually advantageous partnerships between investors and local communities with fair sharing of benefits arising from the exploitation of existing resources on community lands  

Use of Natural Resources and Sustainable Business


General Objective

Contribute to the conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity,  encouraging the monitoring and research of species and habitats and ensuring the implementation of development projects that respect the principles of conservation and sustainable management of natural resources and promote public, private and community initiatives for environmental protection and preservation.

Conservação de Ecossistemas e Biodiversidade


General Objective

Promote the active, conscious and informed involvement of civil society, media, government and the private sector in constructively addressing and debating issues relating to environmental governance.

Unidade de Comunicação e divulgação


Objectivo Geral

Assegurar um elevado nível de desempenho e relevância  em todas as áreas programáticas e de gestão institucional, assim como promover o acompanhamento sistemático da evolução da governação de terras e recursos naturais no país nas componente política,  institucional, social, económica e ecológica.

Monitoring and Evaluation Unit


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